Friday, October 4, 2024

The Day After (Originally written on 15 Feb 2023)

Last year, on Valentine's eve, I shared a recipe. This year, I had no appetite. But I had impatience. I had not seen her in days. She had to be around.

Where are you!

I do not know if you have ever felt this w
ay too...

On those days when you are restless for no reason and can't settle down, you get to work. And by work I mean, any random stuff. My most preferred indulgence is cleaning my room. The cobwebs in the most unreachable nook in the ceiling gets tackled at the end of a broom, held by me, standing on my toes precariously balanced on a stool not meant for that business. The bottom shelf of the TV stand that had assumed another color from the dust it gathered, regains its complexion. A pair of leather shoes that I lost interest 6 months ago will get a coat of wax. There are miracles all around.

I kneel down, hold my face at an angle that helps me get as close as possible to the floor. This inspection reveals a curry stain on the a tile from a few weeks ago. With a discarded kitchen knife I scrape it off the floor. Then I find another mark. The knife and I get to work until my back and neck is sore. I stop. I get up a little too quickly, feel giddy and fall ungracefully onto the sofa. A vape that I do not use anymore and had disappeared among the folds of the sofa poke my bony butt. Another reminder.

There is dust accumulated inside the window frames. I wish I had not chucked the old vacuum cleaner in the dumpster when I moved out of my earlier dwelling. Too late. I look around to see if there is anything else I can do.

There are dirty clothes in the hamper. But no. Too lazy for that. Especially when the Super Clean laundry right opposite will take care of that.

That is when I hear that familiar noise at the gate. I wipe my hands on a towel, throw it in the direction of the hook on the wall and grab the yellow packet on top of the mini fridge on my way to the door.

She was there, waiting. I step out and she stops, hesitating for a second. I hold my hand out and she comes close, my finger touch ever so lightly against her nose. She purrs and rubs her face against my palm. I open a fresh pack of cheese flavored Dreamies treats. Now it was her turn to be impatient! 

I watch her eat.

My love turned up a day late. Who cares!

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