You can tell your friends that they mean the world to you & laugh inside.
You can buy a diamond for your wife and rape Monica bellucci in your mind at the same time.
You can pray and pretend that it is God you are thinking of.
You can say " I love" & plot murder.
You can gift & curse simultaneously because you know you wont get anything in return.
You can pretend that you are not reading this right now.
You can fake every emotion..except one
You cant pretend; you dont have to; you dont want to...
Man, animal, anything in between; knows it.
It hasnt changed the way it has been expressed; though the mediums are many.
Sophocles said; "To whom who is in fear, everything rustles"
Hitchcock said; "There is no terror in the bang, only in the anticipation of it"
I am afraid I cant find more words. There is so much to fear; if you allow it.